mercredi 23 septembre 2015

Hillary Clinton "the original birther" (Donald Trump)

Nouvelle attaque saugrenue de Donald Trump, le mouvement des "birthers" (ceux qui croyaient que Barack Obama n'était pas né aux États-Unis) aurait été lancé par Hillary Clinton lors de la campagne 2008. Déjà l'affirmation du milliardaire ne tenait pas la route, mais voilà que le sénateur du Texas Ted Cruz, lui aussi candidat à l'investiture républicaine, vient appuyer cette "thèse". Ce sont de telles inepties qui discréditent le Parti républicain. Il y a encore des politiciens sérieux et crédibles au sein du GOP, mais ce ne sont pas ceux-là qui captent l'attention des médias.

 "And more and more conservatives have settled on the Trump line — that the questions about Obama's citizenship were so slimy that they obviously came from the Clinton camp. "The whole birther thing was started by the Hillary Clinton campaign in 2008 against Barack Obama," Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) confidently told Yahoo News this summer.

The problem: This is simply not true. Clinton's campaign, one of the most thoroughly dissected in modern history, never raised questions about the future president's citizenship. The idea that it did is based largely on a series of disconnected actions by supporters of Clinton, mostly in the months between Obama's reaction to the Jeremiah Wright story and the Democratic National Convention. I know, because I spent/wasted quite a lot of time covering this stuff.

It's probably best to start by dividing up the Trump/Cruz/conservative claims. Clinton never personally called for the release of Obama's birth certificate or questioned his American bona fides. You would have heard about that. But her campaign did ask an obvious question: How to convince Democratic voters that "Barack Hussein Obama" was not electable? In March 2007, in a memo later obtained by reporter Joshua Green, Clinton pollster Mark Penn dismissed Obama with the suggestion that he was simply too alien to win a national election."

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