mercredi 23 septembre 2015

Yogi Berra est mort (1925-2015)

Yogi Berra est devenu célèbre autant pour ses exploits sur le terrain que pour ses "perles de sagesse". On le considère comme le pilier de dix conquêtes du championnat pour les Yankees de New York. 

"As much a source of folk wisdom as he was a competitor, Berra's colorful, disjointed turns of phrase made him one of the most quoted Americans since Mark Twain, and a favorite of politicians of both parties -- even though some of the remarks weren't actually uttered by him.

"Yogi's been an inspiration to me," George W. Bush once said. "Not only because of his baseball skills but because of the enduring mark he left in the English language."

Among his contributions to the vernacular: "When you come to a fork in the road, take it," and "It's deja vu all over again."

"I really don't know why I say them," he once told CNN. "It just comes out."

His lovable persona became the inspiration for the cartoon character Yogi Bear."

En passant, il y a toujours une petite controverse sur l'origine du nom Yogi Bear...

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