lundi 21 septembre 2015

La campagne électorale américaine débute à peine (David Axelrod)

David Axelrod fut un des principaux artisans de la campagne victorieuse d'Obama en 2008. J'aime bien son analyse politique et ses commentaires sont toujours pertinents. Il oeuvre aujourd'hui comme analyste politique. 

Voici un extrait de son analyse sur le site de CNN pendant la fin de semaine:

 "Fiorina, who fought her way from the junior varsity debate last time to the main stage, made the most of it and should get a boost in post-debate polls, perhaps at Trump's expense. But that will also bring new scrutiny to her controversial record as the CEO of Hewlett-Packard over which she skirmished with Trump on Wednesday. A greater challenge in the long run may be her stage demeanor, which was relentlessly grim. Impressive a presenter as she is, Fiorina will have to lighten it up every once in awhile. Few are hungering for the Unhappy Warrior.

Another standout performer was Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey, whose anemic polling barely qualified him to play varsity. In typically blunt language, he hit many conservative hot buttons. His recollections of 9/11, and his fear that he had lost his wife in the World Trade Center attack, were riveting.

Still, Christie has a tough row to hoe. The ongoing bridge and Port Authority probes hang from him like an anchor. His self-styled narrative as a crusading ex-prosecutor is hindered by the fact that some of his closest aides are currently being prosecuted. And his Jersey, my-way-or-the-highway bluster isn't everyone's cup of tea."

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