lundi 28 septembre 2015

Obama fustige Poutin, Cheney et Trump à l'O.N.U.

Le Président ratisse large dans ses critiques.

 "Obama mocked Putin’s state-run media for portraying the Ukraine move as proof of a resurgent Russia, noting that it only drove Ukraine closer to Europe and led to sanctions that had crippled the economy in Moscow. Obama is set to meet with Putin later in the day, ending a year of estrangement over Ukraine.

Obama invoked Iraq as an example of how the United States itself stumbled by going against international law, saying that American leadership had failed then with consequences that continue to ripple. A key figure pushing for that invasion was then-Vice President Dick Cheney, who showed little concern for international law.

“Unless we work with other nations under the mantle of international principles … we will not succeed,” Obama said. “Any order that our militaries will impose will be temporary.”

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