mardi 22 décembre 2015

Bien manger aux États-Unis: liste des dix meilleures villes selon le Washington Post

Petit voyage gastronomique en vue? Le Washington Post classe ici les dix meilleures villes pour les foodies. Au premier rang? Portland Orégon!

 "One of the scene’s few missing ingredients: fine-dining establishments. “Portlanders prefer places where they feel comfortable in their hiking boots and fleece,” says Michael Russell, the restaurant critic for the Oregonian. Personally, I’d pick first-class farmers markets or some of the country’s trailblazing Asian retreats (hello, Pok Pok!) over a place that charges triple digits for dinner. Admittedly, I picked summer to visit, when Portland’s flavors are peaking. But superb coffee, wine and bread – crucial building blocks of any gastronomic destination – know no season. And it doesn’t hurt that everyone, fellow customers and servers alike, is Minnesota Nice. In one week, I never once heard a car horn."

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