mercredi 9 décembre 2015

Musulmans dans l'armée américaine: un serment à revoir?

Les événements des dernières semaines et les déclarations spectaculaires de Donald Trump font craindre le pire à des militaires américains de confession musulmane. Leur pays d'adoption en est-il toujours un d'accueil et de tolérance? Ils ont fait le serment de défendre leur pays, mais ce pays aurait-il trop changé?

 "“We used to be a balanced people. We used to be true to our values, but now we’re willing to betray our values because of a sense of fear? That’s not American,” said Hadzic. “What the hell happened to that America I immigrated to?”

Many American Muslims say they are living through a difficult time in this country. For the Muslims who are former and current service members, the prejudice and anti-Muslim rhetoric is particularly painful. Those interviewed for this story said that hateful comments have driven a wedge between them and the country they swore to defend."

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