jeudi 10 décembre 2015

Trump et la stratégie dans la chaos: analyse dans le Washington Post

Le Washington Post s'est intéressé à l'ensemble des communications de Trump depuis le début de sa campagne et on dégage de grandes tendances. Il y a bel et bien une stratégie derrière cette série de bravades et de provocations.

 "The Post’s analysis found several qualities to Trump’s approach. First is a pattern of experimentation that suggests that he is testing his insults and attacks as he goes along. Like a team of corporate marketers, Trump understands the value of message-testing — but he appears to do it spontaneously, behind the lectern and on live television.

After 74-year-old Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, who is seeking the Democratic nomination, underwent outpatient surgery for a hernia, Trump tried joking about it. At a rally in Georgia on Nov. 30, Trump said the condition was caused by “carrying around too much tax problems.” The response from the audience was tepid.

Trump tried again at a rally two nights later in Virginia: “He was carrying around the tax code he wants to make larger.” It still didn’t get many laughs — and Trump stopped trying."

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