jeudi 10 décembre 2015

Trump et les suprémacistes blancs

Il y a un "effet" Trump dans le recrutement et/ou des groupes de suprémacistes blancs. Trump n'a jamais appuyé les suprémacistes, mais ses discours plaisent à plusieurs groupes.

 "According to experts at the Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center who monitor hate groups and anti-Muslim sentiment, Trump’s call on Monday to halt the entrance of Muslims to the United States is driving online chatter among white supremacists and is likely to inspire violence against Muslims.

 “When well-known public figures make these kind of statements in the public square, they are taken as a permission-giving by criminal elements who go out and act on their words.” said Mark Potak of the SPLC. “Is it energizing the groups? Yeah. They’re thrilled.”"

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