samedi 5 décembre 2015

Épidémie et armes à feu: le New York Times prend parti dans le débat sur le contrôle des armes à feu.

Un éditorial qui pourrait faire du bruit. Le New York Times se prononce en faveur d'un resserrement du contrôle des armes à feu et pointe dans la direction des législateurs. On déplore que devant la multitude d'incidents, on ne bouge toujours pas aux États-Unis.

 "Opponents of gun control are saying, as they do after every killing, that no law can unfailingly forestall a specific criminal. That is true. They are talking, many with sincerity, about the constitutional challenges to effective gun regulation. Those challenges exist. They point out that determined killers obtained weapons illegally in places like France, England and Norway that have strict gun laws. Yes, they did.

But at least those countries are trying. The United States is not. Worse, politicians abet would-be killers by creating gun markets for them, and voters allow those politicians to keep their jobs. It is past time to stop talking about halting the spread of firearms, and instead to reduce their number drastically — eliminating some large categories of weapons and ammunition."

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