mercredi 16 novembre 2016

Transition musclée? Donald Trump se fait rassurant.

On dit parfois que si la campagne électorale équivaut à une guerre contre l'ennemi, la formation du cabinet consiste à éliminer ses amis. Plusieurs médias ont rapporté des affrontements entre clans pour l'obtention de postes dans l'administration Trump. Il s'agit d'une phase normale à la suite d'une élection, mais il semble que les oppositions aient été particulièrement fortes. Donald Trump, fidèle à son habitude, a "tweeté" aujourd'hui que ces reportages étaient mensongers et que la transition s'effectuait en douceur.

 "Trump took particular aim at a favorite target, the New York Times, which reported Wednesday that the transition has been marked by firings and infighting, and that U.S. allies were having trouble reaching Trump at New York’s Trump Tower as he plans his government.

“The failing @nytimes story is so totally wrong on transition. . . . I have received and taken calls from many foreign leaders,’’ Trump wrote in a series of posts on the microblogging site that hosted his numerous incendiary tweets during the presidential campaign. He also denied reports that his transition team has sought security clearances for his children."

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