mardi 19 septembre 2017

Abroger Obamacare: nouvelle tentative républicaine

Il y a quelques semaines à peine bien des observateurs dont je suis croyaient que les Républicains ne tenteraient plus d'abroger Obamacare avant les les élections de mi-mandat. Soucieux de réaliser une promesse répétée sans cesse depuis 7 ans les élus du GOP reviennent à la charge. Une fois de plus le Sénateur de l'Arizona John McCain pourrait ruiner les efforts de ses collègues.

 "Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), who delivered the decisive vote to sink the party's last Obamacare repeal bill, has aired gripes with the rushed process this time around. But he has not said explicitly he would vote against the measure. McCain and Murkowski separately met with McConnell on Monday.

“We need to go to regular order,” McCain told reporters. “I am not supportive of the bill yet. We need to talk more about it.”

Taken together, the movements keep the Obamacare effort alive another day. The Senate’s ability to repeal the law through a majority vote expires after Sept. 30, and there is immense political pressure on the party to follow through on its pledge to kill the Democratic health care law."

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