mardi 26 septembre 2017

Bientôt des accusations contre Michal Flynn et Paul Manafort?

Le Sénateur démocrate du Connecticut affirme être sûr à 99% que des accusations seront portées contre Michael Flynn et Paul Manafort. Si L'enquête du procureur spécial Mueller ne semble pas pour l'instant impliqué directement Donald Trump, d'autres membres de son entourage pourraient également être accusés.

 "“I'm about 99 percent sure there will be some criminal charges from this investigation,” said Blumenthal, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Blumenthal has also served as a U.S. attorney and spent 20 years as his state's attorney general.

Blumenthal said he is less certain Trump himself would end up facing charges, including for possible obstruction of justice for his firing of FBI Director James Comey."

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