mercredi 20 septembre 2017

Le collège électoral comme rempart à l'ingérence étrangère?

Si Alexander Hamilton et les autres penseurs de la constitution américaine envisageaient la possibilité d'une ingérence de l'ancienne métropole ou de la France, ils ne pouvaient envisager l'émergence des réseaux sociaux. Les auteurs de cet article avancent que le collège électoral n'est plus adapté aux besoins de 2017 et qu'il serait préférable de l'abolir.

 "There are, of course, other arguments against the Electoral College: that an individual’s voting power should not be diluted or strengthened by virtue of geographic location, especially for an office that is supposed to represent every citizen equally; that it does not fulfill one of the original intentions of our framers—to exercise discretion and buffer the whims of the masses; that it has a dark history involving pro-slavery sentiments; that it often gives white, rural voters more voting power than minorities living in cities; that despite this, it still does not encourage candidates to campaign in rural areas but rather focuses their attention on cities in a smattering of swing states; and that swing states receive more federal funds than other states. But now, it’s time to also examine the Electoral College through a national security lens."

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