vendredi 29 septembre 2017

Travailler jusqu'à sa mort: la nouvelle réalité des gens âgés aux États-Unis?

Prendre une retraite? De plus en plus d'Américains n'en ont plus les moyens et les causes du phénomène sont multiples. Un topo dans les pages du Washington Post. Je serais curieux de lire une étude canadienne ou québécoise sur le même sujet.

 "People are living longer, more expensive lives, often without much of a safety net. As a result, record numbers of Americans older than 65 are working — now nearly 1 in 5. That proportion has risen steadily over the past decade, and at a far faster rate than any other age group. Today, 9 million senior citizens work, compared with 4 million in 2000.

While some work by choice rather than need, millions of others are entering their golden years with alarmingly fragile finances. Fundamental changes in the U.S. retirement system have shifted responsibility for saving from the employer to the worker, exacerbating the nation’s rich-poor divide. Two recent recessions devastated personal savings. And at a time when 10,000 baby boomers are turning 65 every day, Social Security benefits have lost about a third of their purchasing power since 2000."

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