dimanche 24 septembre 2017

Donald Trump et son étrange relation avec le football

Dans un discours vendredi en Alabama Donald Trump s'en prenait aux joueurs de football qui dépose un genoux au sol lors de l'interprétation de l'hymne national en signe de protestation. En invitant les propriétaires à congédier ces joueurs, Donald Trump intervenait dans les affaires d'une ligue qu'il a tenté de défier avant de vouloir se porter acquéreur d'une équipe.

 "Trump's skin in the game: He owned one of the USFL's teams, the New Jersey Generals.

 The real estate mogul was a vocal leader who pushed other team owners to move the USFL to a fall schedule and compete head-to-head with the NFL. He eventually got his way, but it turned out to be disastrous. The USFL ended up suing the NFL, accusing the league of holding an illegal monopoly on fall football and attempting to strangle the USFL out of business.

Despite winning a court battle, the USFL was awarded just $3 and the league was shuttered in 1986 after just three seasons, according to an archived report from the Los Angeles Times.

Trump is widely considered to be the guy who lead the USFL to its demise. He "destroyed" the league, screams the headline of a piece published by Esquire."


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