samedi 3 février 2018

Donald Trump saura-t-il évité les erreurs de Richard Nixon?

À l'époque du Watergate on entendait également des accusation de partisanerie politique de la part des adversaires de Richard Nixon. L'auteur avance que c'est le congédiement d'Archibald Cox qui a coulé le président. Donald Trump a déjà congédié ou pousser à la retraite deux directeurs du FBI, discrédité l'enquête Mueller et sévèrement critiqué les responsables du Département de la justice. Parviendra-t-il à faire mieux que Richard Nixon?

 "The political conflagration that followed the “Saturday Night Massacre”—as the dramatic events of Oct. 20, 1973, soon became known—forced Nixon to retreat; to agree to the appointment of another special prosecutor, and to release the evidence Cox had sought.

“You will be returning to an environment of major national crisis,” the White House chief of staff, retired general Alexander Haig, cabled Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, who was on an overseas mission. “The situation is at a state of white heat. … An impeachment stampede could well develop.”

From that point on, the late journalist Helen Thomas recalled in an oral history, Nixon was “a dead man walking.” He would resign to escape impeachment in August 1974. “It was a Saturday night…it struck the whole town,” the veteran White House reporter remembered, in her oral history for the Gerald Ford Foundation. “It was shocking. I think you have to call it trauma.”

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