mardi 18 septembre 2018

#BrettToo? (position éditoriale du New York Times)

Selon le New York Times les sénateurs américains prennent la bonne décision en acceptant d'entendre Christine Blasey Ford qui accuse le juge Brett Kavanaugh d'agression sexuelle.

 "The bottom line is that Brett Kavanaugh is up for a lifetime appointment to the highest court in the land, and there is now a credible accusation of sexual assault against him.

The next steps are for the F.B.I. to interview Judge Kavanaugh, Dr. Blasey, Mr. Judge and possibly others about the accusations under oath, and for the Senate Judiciary Committee to hear from all parties, however long it takes.

This is the only acceptable approach. Americans should hope that in these hearings the Judiciary Committee acquits itself better than it did the last time it confronted a woman accusing a Supreme Court nominee of sexual misconduct. That was 27 years ago, when some members of an all-male committee gave little credence to Anita Hill’s testimony that Clarence Thomas harassed her when she worked for him. Her testimony was never convincingly rebutted, and yet nearly twice as many people believed Justice Thomas’s story as believed hers."

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