lundi 24 septembre 2018

Christine Blasey Ford : une audience juste?

Christine Blasey Ford a accepté de témoigner devant le sénat. Que peut-elle espérer de ce témoignage? Qu'est-ce que les électeurs américains peuvent en tirer? Même si on tente d'oublier le climat politique particulièrement tendu, c'est à Mme Ford que revient le fardeau de la preuve. Une mission impossible une trentaine d'années après les événements?

 "But what should that hearing look like? How can senators determine what happened at a high-school house party in the 1980s? How should they treat a private citizen who has come forward with allegations of sexual misconduct against a man up for a lifetime appointment to the nation’s highest court? How should they treat the nominee who categorically denies assaulting anyone, ever? What should be the standard of proof?

On Sunday morning’s talk shows, no one had a clear answer.

Republicans who want Kavanaugh on the bench before the Court’s first arguments on October 1 also want to avoid long-term damage from the committee’s 11 male GOP senators grilling a woman alleging sexual assault, a reprise of the Anita Hill hearings but in the age of #MeToo and President Donald Trump’s own fraught history with female accusers and his Access Hollywood admission."

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