vendredi 28 septembre 2018

Yale dans la tourmente Kavanaugh: le juge y perd des appuis

La prestigieuse Université Yale a formé de grands juristes et elle a souligné positivement la nomination de Brett Kavanaugh à la cour suprême plus tôt cette année. La situation a changé depuis.

 "The campus outrage hasn’t been limited to students.

 Before the second and third allegations against Kavanaugh emerged, 40 percent of the law school faculty, including two former deans, signed an open letter demanding a full investigation into the allegation leveled by Christine Blasey Ford.

“With so much at stake for the Supreme Court and the nation, we are concerned about a rush to judgment that threatens both the integrity of the process and the public’s confidence in the Court,” the letter said. “Some questions are so fundamental to judicial integrity that the Senate cannot rush past them without undermining the public’s confidence in the Court. This is particularly so for an appointment that will yield a deciding vote on women’s rights and myriad other questions of immense consequence in American lives.”

 Even professors who initially praised Kavanaugh’s nomination have since backed off. In a Yale Daily News op-ed published Monday titled “Second Thoughts on Kavanaugh,” Amar wrote, “I believe that these accusations deserve the best and most professional investigation possible — even if that means a brief additional delay on the ultimate vote on Judge Kavanaugh, and even if that investigatory delay imperils his confirmation.”

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