lundi 17 septembre 2018

Obama principal "conseiller" de Trump en politique étrangère?

La politique étrangère du président américain se limite-t-elle à faire le contraire de ce que proposait l'administration Obama?

 "In the meantime, the relative rationality that Obama managed to inspire — Trump’s concerted effort to address the most urgent international problem facing the United States — has disappeared. The administration’s foreign policy is now a scattershot mess of improvised initiatives, some aimed at real problems, some not. Big challenges that would preoccupy a normal White House — such as the historic refu­gee crisis in Latin America caused by Venezuela’s implosion, or the genocidal campaign by Myanmar’s army against its Rohingya minority — are all but ignored. Eccentric follies, such as the cold war with Canada, take center stage.
Bob Woodward’s new book depicts Trump’s top advisers working to save the country from his worst ideas, sometimes by snatching papers off his desk. But that’s a better description of 2017 than now. The aides who did that snatching — Gary Cohn, Rex Tillerson, H.R. McMaster — are mostly gone, replaced by a new crew content to allow Trump to indulge his most powerful compulsions. So we have trade wars driven by Trump’s ignorance of elementary economics and vindictive campaigns to punish close allies — such as Justin Trudeau of Canada and Angela Merkel of Germany — for the president’s seething personal resentments."

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