samedi 29 septembre 2018

Le FBI enquêtera sur Brett Kavanaugh: en a-t-on assez d'une semaine?

Quand on annoncé hier qu'on reportait reportait d'une semaine le vote sur la nomination de Brett Kavanaugh , je me suis tout de suite demandé si cette période de temps serait suffisante. Si la portée et les moyens de cette enquête sont limités, il n'est pas impossible que le FBI puisse offrir un bilan pertinent. Une fois de plus avec ce dossier le FBI intervient dans la sphère politique et les sondages indiquent que sa crédibilité est ébranlée.

"Will anyone believe the F.B.I.?

Once again, the F.B.I. has been thrust into a politically fraught moment.

The bureau has been the target of Mr. Trump’s fury since before he became president, claiming without evidence that a cabal of F.B.I. officials was against him. He has called the investigation into whether any of his associates conspired with Russian’s election interference a witch hunt and a hoax, prompting concern among agents that he has damaged the F.B.I.’s credibility.

Now, some Republicans have dismissed the allegations against Judge Kavanaugh as nothing more than a political smear to derail his nomination. And Democrats are demanding a credible investigation before his nomination comes to a vote.

Republicans and Democrats alike are all but certain to seize on the F.B.I.’s findings to bolster their cases, and some current and former agents fear that politics will drown out any truth uncovered by the investigation. Nonetheless, James A. Gagliano, a former agent, said on Twitter, the background check is the “right path forward.”

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