jeudi 20 septembre 2018

Prouver sa négritude?

Comment le gouvernement américain procède-t-il pour catégoriser les gens selon leur appartenance raciale? Si votre test d'ADN démontre que vous avez des ancêtres africains ou afro-américains mais que que vous semblez être blanc, comment tranche-t-on? C'est le cas qui est le point de départ de cet article.

 "Taylor is now challenging how racial groups are defined for this program. “Black Americans,” according to the federal regulations for DBEs,“includes persons having origins in any of the Black racial groups of Africa.” The lawsuit calls this definition “impermissibly vague” and criticizes the lack of “any minimum percentage of DNA, or other objective criterion.” “He considers himself to be Black based upon DNA evidence,” Taylor’s lawyer asserted in a letter included in the lawsuit, which also called DNA “objective” and “unalterable.”

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