J'Aime bien les écrits de Thomas Friedman dans le NY Times. Ce matin encore il nous offre une réflexion pertinente sur l'impact, ou l'absence d'impact, de Ben Laden sur les soulèvements qui se succèdent dans le monde arabe. Le titre de l'article: Farewell to Geronimo...
"There is only one good thing about the fact that Osama bin Laden survived for nearly 10 years after the mass murder at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon that he organized. And that is that he lived long enough to see so many young Arabs repudiate his ideology. He lived long enough to see Arabs from Tunisia to Egypt to Yemen to Syria rise up peacefully to gain the dignity, justice and self-rule that Bin Laden claimed could be obtained only by murderous violence and a return to puritanical Islam.
We did our part. We killed Bin Laden with a bullet. Now the Arab and Muslim people have a chance to do their part — kill Bin Ladenism with a ballot — that is, with real elections, with real constitutions, real political parties and real progressive politics."
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