Lara Logan est cette journaliste américaine violée lors des soulèvements de la place Tahrir. Elle racontait son histoire à l'émission 60 minutes le soir où nous apprenions la mort de Ben Laden. Vous aurez deviné que ce reportage n'a pas obtenu toute l'attention qu'il méritait... Ce matin le Boston globe revient sur le reportage. Les réflexions de la journaliste et de... la femme.
"One striking thing about Logan’s “60 Minutes’’ account was the extent to which, at certain times, she blamed herself for weakness. When she thought she would die during the brutal attack, she chastised herself for not putting up more of a fight. When she thinks about returning to war zone coverage, she said in outtakes posted online, she laments the fact that she has “a fear now in me that I never had before.’’
Bravery, accompanied by a certain recklessness, is a hallmark for war correspondents — and for all journalists who risk physical harm, anywhere, in pursuit of a story. Being an outside observer brings an odd sense of security. In recent months, we’ve seen evidence of how false that sense can be. And in a part of the world that dehumanizes women, female reporters face a greater risk.
And yet if women go to those places and are harmed, they fear it will be seen a sign of weakness. Logan said she wanted to lift a “code of silence’’ for female reporters, who worry that acknowledging harassment or assaults might prevent women from the chance to do this kind of meaningful work."
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