vendredi 8 novembre 2013

Caricature Colorado et la fracturation hydraulique: des villes s'opposent

La population québécoise a réagit à cette pratique de l'industrie gazière, des inquiétudes partagées dans plusieurs villes du Colorado.

 "Voters in Boulder, Fort Collins and Lafayette approved antifracking initiatives by wide margins on Tuesday, ignoring an industry campaign against the measures that cost at least $875,000. A fourth city, Broomfield, narrowly defeated a proposal for a five-year moratorium on drilling that uses hydraulic fracturing.

 More than 100 municipalities have approved similar measures, according to a nonprofit industry monitor, FracTracker, and political opposition to fracking has grown in some areas, like Pennsylvania, where drilling has boomed. But experts say the Colorado votes have added significance because the state has long been a major oil and gas producer and a place where drilling has been both common and tolerated."

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