vendredi 15 novembre 2013

Obama "échappe le ballon": trop de promesses et trop peu de résultats?

Ce n'est pas la première fois qu'on reproche à Obama de tenir de beaux grands discours, mais de présenter un bilan de réalisations un peu mince... Vrai qu'on peut parler d'un problème de "marketing", le programme est loin d'être mauvais, mais il est très complexe à démarrer. Bill et Hillary Clinton en savent quelque chose, eux qui ont tenté sans succès de développer un programme similaire lors du premier mandat de Bill Clinton.

 "From the start, the plan was more complex and unpredictable than Obama liked to acknowledge, reliant as it was on the profit-driven market forces of the private insurance industry, individually regulated in all 50 states. And his strategy for selling it was always based on an unspoken assumption that the public could not tolerate such unpleasant truths.

 To be fair, the all-out partisan war to pass the bill, and then to defend it in the courts and Congress, was hardly the time for the president to warn, “This might not work right away, folks.”

 But it is nevertheless Obama’s own months of upbeat predictions that have now left a chastened president grappling to restore his credibility, as he did on Thursday by announcing he would allow insurers to extend by a year the substandard plans they recently cancelled to comply with the new law’s demands for fuller coverage.

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