mardi 5 novembre 2013

Days of fire: critique dans le Washington Post.

L'auteur prépare lui-même une biographie de George W. Bush. Si à ses yeux le bouquin manque d'une vision d'ensemble, l'évolution de la relation entre George W. Bush et Dick Cheney ne manque pas d'intérêt. J'avais déjà mentionné la sortie du livre la semaine dernière sur mon carnet web.

 "The heart of “Days of Fire” lies in the changing relationship between Bush and Cheney — how Bush in the early years of his administration relied heavily on his vastly more experienced vice president, but during his second term he increasingly operated on his own, relegating Cheney to the margins. Baker draws out each development in this tangled relationship in much the same way that Robert Caro wrote about the relationship between John F. Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson."

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