lundi 11 novembre 2013

Les tensions avec l'Iran diminue, le prix de l'essence aussi...

De bonnes économies pour les familles américaines. Est-ce que ce sera le cas de ce côté de la frontière? 

"The national average price for a gallon of regular gasoline was $3.21 on Friday, 14 cents below a month ago and 25 cents below last year, according to AAA’s daily fuel gauge report.

 Drivers in all 50 states are enjoying lower gas prices than a year ago, and Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma and Texas filling stations are now charging $3 or less a gallon on average. The AAA automobile club predicts that the national average will dip to as low as $3.10 a gallon for regular by the end of the year, and some analysts see even more declines.

“The majority of the population will be able to find gasoline for less than $3 a gallon between now and New Year’s,” Tom Kloza, chief oil analyst at, said.

 The average household consumes 1,200 gallons of gasoline a year, which translates into a $120 annual savings for every dime shaved off the price of gas, energy experts say. Economists say over time lower gasoline prices act like a tax cut, or in the case of this year, a partial cushion for the resumption of Social Security payroll taxes that had been temporarily reduced after the financial crisis.

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