mardi 12 novembre 2013

Nous avons une semaine pour les sauver (Général Paul Kennedy en charge de la mission aux Philippines)

Le Canada fera sa part et les États-Unis également. Le Général américain en charge de la mission lance un appel à la communauté internationale et il semble recevoir un bon appui de la part du Pentagone.

 "Marine Corps Brig. Gen. Paul Kennedy told CNN he needs immediate dispatch of U.S. Navy amphibious ships that carry equipment to produce potable water and the variety of helicopters, small boats, trucks and other supplies needed in the relief effort. "They are the Swiss army knife of the U.S. military," Kennedy said of the amphibious ships, speaking to CNN in a telephone interview from the Philippines. Kennedy says he believes his request will be approved by the Pentagon in the coming hours.

Three warships that are home-ported in the Pacific were under orders to prepare to deploy in the next 48 hours, a senior Pentagon official told CNN.

 Pentagon press secretary George Little said later the military is working hard to give Kennedy whatever he needs. He said 250 U.S. service members are now in the Philippines and they have delivered 107,000 pounds of relief supplies.

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