vendredi 1 novembre 2013

Obama 2012 a songé à remplacer Joe Biden par Hillary Clinton (Double Down)

La rumeur avait circuler pendant la campagne et elle semble confirmée dans le nouveau livre des journalistes Mark Halperin et John Heilemann intitulé Double Down. Pourquoi ne pas l'avoir fait? Les gains n'étaient pas significatifs... L'ouvrage aborde aussi la relation entre Obama et Bill Clinton, le premier appréciant le second uniquement à petites doses!

 'As the relationship between Mr. Obama and Mr. Clinton thawed during the campaign, the incumbent’s bond with his vice president was tested. On a trip to California in early 2012 dedicated to raising money for Mr. Obama’s campaign, Mr. Biden sought to append some meetings with Silicon Valley and Hollywood heavyweights that could help his future ambitions. Word got back to David Plouffe, a top adviser to Mr. Obama. “We can’t have side deals,” Mr. Plouffe told Mr. Biden. The vice president apologized to the aide.

But after a leak that infuriated Mr. Obama, the president followed Mr. Plouffe’s recommendation to limit the size of their strategy meetings, a decision that excluded Mr. Biden. Mr. Obama and his team were also angry when Mr. Biden declared his support for same-sex marriage on “Meet the Press” in the spring of last year, pre-empting the president’s own poll-tested plans to announce what the book indicates was a position he had held as early as 2004.'

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