jeudi 10 septembre 2015

Trump est un "porc": des républicaines indignées fustigent les propos du milliardaire

Le triste spectacle que nous offre Donald Trump tire-t-il à sa fin? Après avoir dénigré l'apparence physique de la candidate Carly Fiorina il doit essuyer un barrage de reproches de la part de républicaines. Trump trône toujours en tête des sondages, mais les attaques à son endroit sont de plus en plus nombreuses.

 “Who the hell cares what she looks like? If you want to quibble with her on policy, or quibble with her record at Hewlett Packard, that’s fair,” said Katie Packer Gage, a GOP strategist who worked on Mitt Romney’s 2012 campaign and whose firm is now working for Marco Rubio. “But people should not be judged by their appearance."

“There’s already enough pressure on women than to have to deal with this pig who thinks Heidi Klum is no longer attractive because she got a little bit old," Gage said. "A guy who trades in wives because they get old is what women face every day and are disgusted by. I hate to break it to him, but Melania is going to get old too."

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