mercredi 2 décembre 2015

Le Congrès et les changements climatiques: deux mesures à contresens des déclarations d'Obama

Le Président Obama s'est exprimé clairement et vigoureusement à Paris. Il se présente en leader de la lutte aux changements climatiques. Presqu'au même moment la Chambre des représentants votait sur deux projets de loi qui vont dans la direction opposée... Obama dans le siège de meneur à l'international, mais pas à la maison? C'est un peu ce que j'expliquais dans ma chronique de lundi à l'émission "Radio-Canada cet après-midi".

 "In a provocative message to more than 100 leaders that the American president does not have the full support of his government on climate policy, the House passed resolutions, already approved by the Senate, to scuttle Environmental Protection Agency rules that would significantly cut heat-trapping carbon emissions from existing and future coal-fired power plants.

The House votes — by 242 to 180 and 235 to 188, mostly along party lines — expanded to a global level the already profound gulf between Mr. Obama and the Republican-controlled Congress on domestic issues, demonstrating that the United States was hardly unified on the issue of climate change even as the president and other leaders sought to project solidarity.

The measures will be sent to the White House, where Mr. Obama has said he will veto them. The Senate approved each measure by an identical margin, 52 to 46, signaling that Republican congressional leaders would not be able to muster the two-thirds majority needed for an override."

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