lundi 18 septembre 2017

Trop brouillons les avocats de Donald Trump?

Selon ce que rapporte ici David A. Graham, la pression de l'enquête de Robert Mueller se fait sentir sur les avocats de la Maison-Blanche. Des avocats enregistreraient des conversations et les opinions divergent sur la stratégie à adopter.

 "The overheard conversation revealed a split between Donald McGahn, the White House counsel, and Cobb, an outside counsel hired to work at the White House. Dowd, who recommended hiring Cobb, is Trump’s personal lawyer. Cobb reportedly favors turning over as many documents as possible, as quickly as possible, to Mueller’s investigators. McGahn, while favoring cooperating with Mueller, is said to be cautious about actions that he thinks would make it harder for Trump or his successors to claim executive privilege in the future. (Cobb insisted to the Times that he has great respect for McGahn.)"

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