vendredi 2 février 2018

Trump vs le FBI: Trump perdra (Tim Weiner, New York Times)

Donald Trump peut-il discréditer et congédier qui il veut pour se tirer du pétrin? Non selon l'expert du New York Times.

 "The framers of the Constitution contemplated there would be times like this. Though they failed to foresee a leader quite like Donald Trump — a man more akin to the mad King George of England than to Madison and Jefferson — they knew not every president would be enlightened. But they did not dream any would be so benighted, so blind as to place personal loyalty above the rule of law.

The president has measured Mr. Mueller for the guillotine for months. As the bloodhounds close in on the Oval Office, he may sharpen his blade and place the prosecutor’s head on a pike. If so, he’ll have to confront the Constitution. And he’ll lose again."

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