lundi 26 mars 2018

Donald Trump expulse 60 Russes

En ordonnant l'expulsion les États-Unis joignent les rangs de nombreux pays occidentaux qui réagissent à l'empoisonnement en Angleterre d'un ancien agent russe. Il s'agit d'une rare réaction négative de l'administration Trump à l'endroit de la Russie.

 "The expulsions are the toughest action taken against the Kremlin by President Trump, who has been criticized for not being firm enough with President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia. The officials said the action was a coordinated effort with other allies. Poland announced it will expel the Russian ambassador and several other diplomats in response to the poisoning. And Germany announced plans to expel four Russian diplomats within the next week.

In a call with reporters, senior White House officials said that the move was to root out Russians actively engaging in intelligence operations against the country, and to show that the United States would stand with NATO allies. The officials said that the closure of the consulate in Seattle was ordered because of its proximity to a U.S. naval base."

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