vendredi 23 mars 2018

Trump peut-il gagner une guerre commerciale avec la Chine?

Il est bien difficile de considérer la dernière croisade de Donald Trump de manière positive. Si une fois de plus il a raison de s'inquiéter de certains phénomènes comme le vol de propriété intellectuelle, la méthode utilisée ne semble pas être le fruit d'une réflexion approfondie. Une nouvelle maladresse? Réaliser une promesse de campagne mais à quel coût?

 "News of the move sent the stock market plunging and boosted fears of a looming trade war. The Economist calculated that for every American firm in favor of Trump's protectionist policies, there may be as many as 3,000 opposed.

“Trade is not zero sum. It helps to grow the standards of living of people around the globe,” wrote Steve Odland, the CEO of the Committee for Economy Development, a pro-free trade think tank, on CNBC's website. “We need the inexpensive products from outside the country to raise our standard of living. And, with only 5 percent of the world population, we need open access to markets for our own goods to grow our economy. We cannot have one without the other.”

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