vendredi 30 mars 2018

Le baseball comme thérapie à Parkland

On sous-estime parfois à quel point le sport, dans ce qu'il offre de plus positif, peut être rassembleur. Le baseball demeure un sport très populaire chez nos voisins du sud et le concept d'équipe, lorsqu'il est bien géré, peut permettre aux participants de traverser des moments difficiles.

 "The day after the shooting, Fitz called a team meeting at DC Baseball, a vast indoor training facility where the team worked out a few times a month. It has eight full-sized batting cages, an artificial turf infield and a color palette dominated by neon green. The infield, in the center of the place, is surrounded by nets keeping unexpected flying objects from causing harm. They gathered there.

The players and coaches hugged and cried. They had pizza and soda. Then they all sat in a circle on the infield as Fitz took the floor. "There are two ways we can go forward," he said. "We can put our head between our legs, or we can lift our heads, be strong for each other, and persevere. We're not gonna let the act of one cowardly individual define who we are."

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