dimanche 25 mars 2018

Michael Avenatti l'avocat qui carbure à l'adrénaline

L'avocat de Stormy Daniels est haut en couleur et il semble hyperactif. Depuis quelques jours on le voit constamment dans les médias et il n'hésite pas à défier Donald Trump et ses avocats. L'homme se plaît dans la controverse et affiche sa réussite de manière ostentatoire. Un rival à la hauteur pour le président? Un portrait de Michael Avenatti dans le Washington Post.

 "After Avenatti left to attend the University of Pennsylvania, his father was unexpectedly laid off, and the son went to work to earn tuition money by doing opposition political research on Republicans and Democrats for a firm owned by Rahm Emanuel, the future chief of staff in the Obama White House and the current mayor of Chicago. Avenatti says he saw the “soft underbelly of politics,” and he left the job with a “significant degree of cynicism.”

In law school, he clerked at a law firm by day and took courses at night, finishing first in his class. He accumulated $340,000 of student debt, which he says he later erased with the bonus for a single big verdict while he was working at a California firm. His cases included a $10 million defamation lawsuit, which ended in a confidential settlement, that he filed on behalf of a socialite client against Paris Hilton. He was also on a team of lawyers who sued Trump and the producer of “The Apprentice” on behalf of a man who said they stole his idea for the hit show. The case ended in a settlement."


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