mercredi 18 septembre 2019

Difficile pour Donald Trump de répéter au Wisconsin en 2020

Si le président a encore des appuis solides dans certaines circonscriptions du Wisconsin, la machine démocrate est déjà à l'oeuvre et on ne répétera pas les erreurs de la campagne Clinton. 

 "Democrats are determined not to make that tactical mistake again. The national party pointedly placed its nominating convention next summer in Milwaukee — where a 19 percent drop in African American turnout doomed Clinton’s chances in 2016.

Locally, the party is attempting to expand on Clinton’s anemic performance in the WOW counties by tapping into a vein of anti-Trump sentiment that they say is palpable. Democrats have had teams on the ground organizing for months in the suburbs.

“I know if we get 40 percent we almost guarantee a Democrat a victory statewide,” Waukesha County Democratic Party Chairman Matt Lowe said. “We’re seeing so many volunteers every day that I don’t think 40 percent is a total pipe dream.”"

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