dimanche 10 novembre 2013

Gais et thérapies de "conversion": débat légal au New Jersey

"Guérir" un gai grâce à une thérapie? Le New Jersey avait voté une loi pour interdire cette pratique il y a peu, mais voilà qu'un juge suspend cette loi. Sur quelle base?

 Voici une partie de la réponse:

 "California was the first, and the only other, state to ban the practice. In August, a federal appeals court upheld the state's statute.

The New Jersey lawsuit, filed by two therapists, the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality and the American Association of Christian Counselors, argued the law violates the right to free speech because counselors are barred from talking about conversion therapy.

 Plaintiffs also argued that it infringed upon the right to exercise religion and parents to "direct the upbringing and education of their children according to their sincerely held religious beliefs."

 La suite:

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