dimanche 10 novembre 2013

Rob Ford: enfin un politicien canadien célèbre! (Washington Post)

Toute une réussite! On parle enfin d'un politicien canadien un peu partout dans le monde!Avait-ton besoin de cette publicité? Retour sur les événements dans la Washington Post. L'auteure, Diane Francis, jouit de la double citoyenneté.

 "I suspect that more Americans now know the name of Toronto’s mayor than know the name of Canada’s prime minister. (It’s Stephen Harper. Just FYI.)

 That’s because Ford’s an exception — an American-style political train wreck. Americans perceive Canada as the place next door that exports logs, hockey players and cold fronts. It’s frustrating but understandable. Why pay attention to the polite neighbor who never complains and always uses headphones?

 Canadians, like Americans living in Omaha or Rochester or Montpelier, accept that they rarely get to bask in the limelight.

But when you’re no longer being treated like a pliant kid brother, it’s welcome. That’s why, after Ford’s admission, triumphalist pro-Canadian tweets followed. “Rob Ford goes global!” read one. Another gushed: “And people say Canada never makes the news in the U.S.”


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