mardi 12 novembre 2013

Parti Québécois et Tea party: même combat? La Charte des valeurs dans le NY Times.

Jamais je n'aurais pensé effectuer cette comparaison... Un article de Martin Patriquin le fait pourtant ce matin dans le New York Times autour du thème de la Charte des valeurs. Pas certain que les membres du gouvernement actuel vont apprécier l'article...

 "A recent poll suggested the values charter is most popular with white, Francophone males living outside Montreal — where immigrants are about as frequent as New York Rangers fans.

 In catering to this white, populist rural vote, the left-of-center Parti Québécois has seemingly ventured into Tea Party-like territory. Janette Bertrand, the 88-year-old leader of a pro-charter group, recently told a newspaper that she would be “scared” to be served by a veiled doctor, because Muslims let women “die faster.” She wasn’t joking.

 Anti-immigrant sentiment exists across Canada. Yet Quebec is the only province with a political party willing to exploit that sentiment for political gain. Will it work? Probably not, if only because winning any future referendum on Quebec’s separation from Canada would mean putting the question to each and every Quebecer — including the very people the Parti Québécois is scaring or scapegoating today.

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Les Tours de Laliberté migrent: rejoignez-moi sur le site du Journal de Québec et du Journal de Montréal

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