mardi 12 novembre 2013

The Yellow Dogs: deux des membres tués dans Brooklyn

Le New York Times consacre aujourd'hui deux articles une tuerie dans Brooklyn qui a entraîné la mort de trois musiciens iraniens, dont deux du groupe The Yellow Dogs. Le groupe, formé d'immigrants iraniens, travaillaient maintenant aux États-Unis après avoir résisté à la police iranienne et défié le gouvernement. Le groupe avait déjà répondu aux questions de responsables américains alors qu'il évoluait en Turquie, deux jours avant de s'établir à New York.

 "Even after settling in Brooklyn, the band avoided being as political as some Iranian-Americans wanted, said Mr. Karampour.

“We try not to say Iran, Iran, Iran; because the essence of the band is not only that we’re from Iran,” he told Rolling Stone. He added that their songs were “surrealistic, symbolic” stories. “You can relate them to Iran or to America, whatever. We don’t want to be a political band only.”

 Neighbors and other people who had encountered the bandmates in New York described them as friendly, fun-loving young men who could often be seen riding skateboards to and from the townhouse.

 Rahill Jamalifard, a member of another Iranian band, Habibi, said the shootings shook the community. “It’s devastating because you see these kids — they were initially in this movie that Iranians are really proud of. And it’s like, ‘Oh look, we have an indie rock scene. I recognized them. I heard of them.’ ”

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