lundi 12 mars 2018

La Russie accusée d'avoir empoisonné trois personnes: Trump particulièrement discret

Un autre dossier impliquant la Russie dans lequel Donald Trump est particulièrement avare de mots. Un président américain qui ne réagit pas à une telle accusation?

 "Here’s what would normally happen after an outrage like the attempted murder of a Russian defector and his daughter with a nerve agent, in an attack that also poisoned a British police officer and exposed as many as 500 people to neurological risk.

The United States would instantly offer Britain any technical assistance it might require: forensic chemical analysis, other kinds of information collection.

Next, the U.S. president would reach out to the British prime minister with some visible demonstration of solidarity: typically, a phone call that would be photographed, with a read out of the call distributed to media. If the British thought it useful, that phone call would be backed up by a visit by some senior member of the administration: the vice president perhaps, or the secretary of state."

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