mercredi 7 mars 2018

Les deux Corées et la diplomatie: la présence américaine toujours pertinente?

L'avenue diplomatique que la Corée du Nord semble vouloir emprunter pourrait bien remettre en question la relation entre les États-Unis et la Corée du Sud. Les Américains pourront-ils encore compter sur un appui important de cet allié majeur dans la région?

 "The best way to keep the United States and South Korea safe is by maintaining a strong, coordinated alliance. So it’s a source of real concern that Trump’s brash language has so unsettled South Korea, perhaps more than it has unsettled North Korea. Just last month, Moon Chung, a senior South Korean presidential advisor, told the PBS Newshour that Seoul is “very much worried about American unilateral military action on North Korea.” The lack of coordination and clarity from the Trump administration about whether and when it will engage North Korea in talks has even led Moon Jae In, the president of South Korea, to chart his own engagement plan with the North without full coordination with the United States—unthinkable only a year ago. This growing divide between Washington and Seoul is the opening Pyongyang is, in all likelihood, now looking to exploit by appearing reasonable and ready to engage.

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