lundi 5 mars 2018

Les Milléniaux dépasseront bientôt les Boomers

Selon les données du recensement aux États-Unis le nombre de "Milléniaux" dépassera bientôt le nombre de "Boomers". Ma génération, celle des "x", sera donc pour un temps encore au milieu de deux groupes plus importants en nombre.

 "The Millennial generation continues to grow as young immigrants expand its ranks. Boomers – whose generation was defined by the boom in U.S. births following World War II – are aging and their numbers shrinking in size as the number of deaths among them exceeds the number of older immigrants arriving in the country.

Because generations are analytical constructs, it takes time for popular and expert consensus to develop as to the precise boundaries that demarcate one generation from another. Pew Research Center has assessed demographic, labor market, attitudinal and behavioral measures and has now established an endpoint – albeit inexact – for the Millennial generation. According to our revised definition, the youngest “Millennial” was born in 1996. This post has been updated accordingly (see note below)."

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