mardi 6 mars 2018

Stormy Daniels intente une poursuite contre Donald Trump

L'actrice de films pornographiques intente une poursuite dans le but de faire annuler la clause de confidentialité liée au paiement de 130 00 dollars. L'argument principal invoqué par la plaignante repose sur le fait que Donald Trump n'a jamais apposé sa signature au bas de l'entente. Libérée de son engagement Stormy Daniels pourrait livrer sa version des faits au sujet de sa relation avec le milliardaire en 2006 et 2007.

 "In the complaint, filed under Daniels’s real name, Clifford, the court is asked to declare the deal with Trump invalid and unenforceable, and it says he deliberately did not sign it so that he could later disavow knowledge of it.

A person familiar with the deal said it required the signature of Cohen or Trump, but not both. The person described as “buyer’s remorse” Daniels’s decision to sue 16 months after she was paid.

Appended to the complaint is a copy of the alleged agreement between Clifford and Trump, making the document public for the first time.

On Oct. 17, 2016, Cohen formed a limited liability corporation in Delaware that he used to send $130,000 to Daniels under her “Clifford” name, according to public records and a person familiar with the transaction. The lawsuit alleges that Cohen formed the LLC “to hide the true sources of funds to be used to pay Ms. Clifford, thus further insulating Mr. Trump from later discovery and scrutiny.”

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