lundi 9 septembre 2019

Tina Turner: retraite méritée

Tina Truner incarne bien des choses pour le public américain. Sex Symbole, rockeuse à la voix unique, femme battue qui a surmonté des épreuves terribles ou encore inspiration du #MeToo. Cette année une comédie musicale lui rend hommage, mais malgré son intérêt pour la pièce elle préfère demeurer loin des stades et des foules. Le New York Times lui réserve un bon papier aujourd'hui.

 "Tina Turner has become a symbol of so many things — sex appeal, resilience, empowerment — that she cannot quite relate to. She was never trying to be sexy onstage; she was sweating through her clothes to sell her songs. And the idea of connecting her life to the feminist movement or recasting it through #MeToo feels alien to her. “I identify only with my life,” she said. While everyone was making her into a symbol, “I was busy doing it. Doing the work.”

The strength of her voice, and the power of her story, have seemed to build an almost invincible persona, but it’s just a persona. “I don’t necessarily want to be a ‘strong’ person,” she said. “I had a terrible life. I just kept going. You just keep going, and you hope that something will come.” She gestured around her. “This came.”

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