lundi 31 décembre 2012
Bonne et heureuse année à la manière de Thomas Kinkade
Thomas Kinkade, qui se proclamait "peintre de la lumière" est décédé en 2012. Champion des ventes, l'artiste a parfois été durement critiqué par les experts. Si son oeuvre ne fait pas l'unanimité, il laisse tout de même des toiles qui représentent bien certains grands moments de la vie de nos voisins du sud. J'ai toujours bien aimé "Christmas in New York" qui met en vedette le célèbre sapin du Rockefeller center, la statue de Prométhée et la patinoire.
dimanche 30 décembre 2012
Hillary Clinton hospitalisée
Clinton spokesman Philippe Reines says her doctors discovered the clot during a follow-up exam Sunday. Reines says Clinton was being treated with anti-coagulants.
Clinton was admitted to New York-Presbyterian Hospital so doctors can monitor the medication over the next 48 hours.
Reines says doctors will continue to assess Clinton’s condition, “including other issues associated with her concussion.”
Newtown, le pire jour de la Présidence d'Obama
""Something fundamental in America has to change," said Obama, who visited on December 16 with families of victims of the Newtown, Connecticut, school shootings.
The president said Sunday he will put forth a proposal next year to change firearm laws. Among the things the legislation will address are assault-style rifles, high-capacity ammunition magazines and background checks on all firearm sales.
His comments echoed those made five days after the shootings in Newtown, where a gunman killed his mother at home, then 20 children and six adults at an elementary school. Obama said he hopes that the Newtown killings spur Americans to take action and not let the shootings feel like "one of those routine episodes," the emotions of which fade with memory.
""It certainly won't feel like that to me. This is something that, you know, that was the worst day of my presidency," he said.
L'article au complet:
Obama un visiteur d'une civilisation plus avancée?
Les républicains doivent assumer la plus grande part du blâme dans les négociations actuelles, mais Obama doit revenir sur terre...
"Center-right columnist David Brooks says that Republicans have had a "brain freeze" since the election, but President Barack Obama has to be more grounded and build trust with them if he wants to get anything done in his second term.
"Most of the blame still has to go to Republicans. They’ve had a brain freeze since the election. They have no strategy. They don’t know what they want. They have to decide what they want," Brooks said on NBC's "Meet the Press." "But if I had to fault President Obama, I would say that sometimes he governs like a visitor from a morally superior civilization.
"He comes in here, and he will not — he’ll talk with [House Speaker John] Boehner, [but] he won’t talk with the other Republicans. He hasn’t built the trust."
La suite:
jeudi 27 décembre 2012
John Boehner, the squeaker of the House
Pas facile d'être le meneur des républicains à la chambre lorsqu'on doit composer avec le Tea party...
dimanche 23 décembre 2012
Joyeux Noël! Ce carnet fait relâche!
Joyeux Noël à ceux et celles qui fréquentent mon carnet web!
samedi 22 décembre 2012
Hideki Tojo a-t-il payé pour Hirohito? Un autre 23 décembre (1948)
Un extrait:
"The former premier embraced responsibility, diligently shielding the Emperor from any intimation of guilt (some argue this was the procedure’s entire raison d’etre, from the perspective of both the prosecution and the defense), and walked a dignified and honorable last mile in the courtrooms of the victor’s justice, presenting his perspective as he knew it in the context of a wish for peace between the late antagonists."
L'article au complet:
Les "preppers": dans l'ombre de Newtown
Un extrait:
"The prepper community has gained increasing attention in recent months on the strength of “Doomsday Preppers,” a National Geographic television show that documents survivalists around the country. But it’s a loose label, not a coherent group or philosophy.
Broadly speaking, “prepper” is a catch-all term used to describe people who are preparing for the worst in every way they can. Adherents advocate maintaining large caches of food, water, and emergency supplies, as well as a personal arsenal, all with the goal of surviving a cataclysmic event.
What cataclysmic event are they preparing for? It doesn’t really matter. The most popular slang in the prepper world is “SHTF,” shorthand for “when shit hits the fan.” And that can be anything: riots, climate change, peak oil, overpopulation. It’s this lack of specificity that distinguishes preppers from other survivalist groups that are motivated by a specific religious or political ideology, like the far-right Patriot movement. Every prepper has a go-to fear, but the most important thing is that you have one at all.
“It’s as much a lifestyle as it is a hobby or anything else,” Young told TPM in an interview this week. “People that want to take care of themselves, for the most part, without wanting to make other people do the same thing.”
L'article au complet:
Sherman offre Savannah à Lincoln pour Noël (un autre 22 décembre)
En pleine guerre de Sécession, Sherman, alors en Georgie (1864), avait envoyé le message suivant au Président: "I beg to present you as a Christmas gift the city of Savannah."
L'économie américaine se porte mieux, mais on craint le mur
"The economy is finally breaking free of the slow, inconsistent recovery it has been experiencing for more than three years, economists say, but it might well run right off the “fiscal cliff” if lawmakers fail to come to agreement, undoing much of the progress achieved to date.
The government on Friday reported strong sales of computers, machinery, cars and other electronics. Other data showed that Americans’ incomes are growing more quickly than they have been, providing critical support for additional spending."
La totalité de l'article:
vendredi 21 décembre 2012
John Kerry: c'est fait!
Pas le premier choix d'Obama, mais un bon. Susan Rice était dans le cercle des intimes du Président, mais John Kerry est crédible et très expérimenté. Les deux hommes se sont rapprochés alors que Kerry a aidé Obama à se préparer pour un des trois débats présidentiels de la dernière campagne.
"The senior senator from Massachusetts is noted for having the experience, gravitas and relationship-building skills that could help him succeed Hillary Clinton, the outgoing top U.S. diplomat.
Obama, making the announcement as Kerry and his wife looked on, praised the senator's "extraordinarily distinguished Senate career" and military service "with valor" in the Vietnam War.
"Over these many years, John's earned the respect and confidence of leaders around the world. He is not going to need a lot of on-the-job-training," Obama said. "I think it is fair to say that few individuals know as many presidents and prime ministers or grasp our foreign policies as firmly as John Kerry, and this makes him a perfect choice to guide American diplomacy in the years ahead."
Kerry has traveled the globe on behalf of the Obama administration to mend frayed relationships. Most notably, he traveled to Pakistan after relations had been set back by a series of incidents, including the raid that killed al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden.
Barack Obama: taux de satisfaction à la hausse selon Gallup
"The timing of the increase in Obama's ratings could reflect a broad-based public reaction to the Newtown shootings, similar to the "rally around the flag" effect often seen at the start of wars and other threats to national security, in which Americans rally behind their leader. It could also reflect the impact of the president's specific actions after the tragedy, including his attendance and speech at a Newtown prayer service Sunday night, and his appointment on Wednesday of a national task force to recommend steps that can be taken to reduce gun violence in the future.
The president is also in the middle of continuing negotiations with Speaker of the House John Boehner over a solution to the looming "fiscal cliff" crisis. Gallup polls find that the president gets significantly higher approval ratings on his handling of the fiscal cliff than does Speaker Boehner.
Présentation complète du sondage:
N.R.A. en mode solution: des armes dans les écoles!
J'hallucine, je crois... La solution au problème des armes à feu serait donc d'armer plus d'Américains? Je suis loin d'être impressionné par la conférence de presse de Wayne Lapierre!
"Neither he nor the other NRA officials who spoke at the highly-anticipated news conference in Washington, D.C. took any questions from the media. But LaPierre did offer the journalists assembled plenty of advice. Stop attacking guns, he said, because guns are all we’ve got to protect us.
“The media call semi-automatic firearms ‘machine guns’ — they claim these civilian semi-automatic firearms are used by the military, and they tell us that the .223 round is one of the most powerful rifle calibers … when all of these claims are factually untrue. They don’t know what they’re talking about!” LaPierre said in a prepared version of his remarks, which he stuck to closely during the proceedings. “Worse, they perpetuate the dangerous notion that one more gun ban — or one more law imposed on peaceful, lawful people — will protect us where 20,000 others have failed!”
There were a lot of words at the NRA presser, but the message was very simple: the NRA will not follow some of the pro-gun rights politicians in Washington into a new discussion of gun regulations. Instead, the group has created a program designed to usher more guns into schools: NRA School Shield, led by former Arkansas Rep. Asa Hutchison (R). Hutchison was on hand to explain the program, and LaPierre likened it to NRA efforts during the Second World War."
Mutinerie chez les républicains? Boehner annule le vote!
"Speaker John A. Boehner’s effort to pass fallback legislation to avert a fiscal crisis in less than two weeks collapsed Thursday night in an embarrassing defeat after conservative Republicans refused to support legislation that would allow taxes to rise on the most affluent households in the country.
House Republican leaders abruptly canceled a vote on the bill after they failed to rally enough votes for passage in an emergency meeting about 8 p.m. Within minutes, dejected Republicans filed out of the basement meeting room and declared there would be no votes to avert the “fiscal cliff” until after Christmas. With his “Plan B” all but dead, the speaker was left with the choice to find a new Republican way forward or to try to get a broad deficit reduction deal with President Obama that could win passage with Republican and Democratic votes.
La suite:
jeudi 20 décembre 2012
Un autre Kennedy au Sénat?
"Could Massachusetts get another Ted Kennedy in the Senate?
Ted Kennedy Jr., son of the late Massachusetts Sen. Ted Kennedy and brother of former Rhode Island Rep. Patrick Kennedy, would instantly be the leading Democratic candidate in the special election to replace Sen. John Kerry, assuming he’s nominated as secretary of state.
Massachusetts insiders say Kennedy would be well-positioned to clear the field in a Democratic primary if he were to enter a special election to replace Kerry. But whether the investment banker chooses to run is still an open question.
“It’s no secret that Ted is interested in entering politics after a long and successful career as a disability rights advocate and businessman,” a Ted Kennedy friend and adviser told POLITICO’s Playbook on Wednesday. “Numerous people in Massachusetts have reached out to him to ask him to consider running for office there, and if Sen. Kerry is nominated to a Cabinet post, it’s fair to say that he will be giving this very serious consideration.”
Musée de la National Rifle Association
"An NRA spokesperson did not return a phone call seeking comment for this story, but the organization has long championed the rights of hunters, gun owners and collectors. A Washington Post analysis in 2010 showed that the group, with 4 million dues-paying members, had spent $74 million on campaign contributions over the previous 20 years and tens of millions more on voter education. The NRA also teaches people across the country, including children, how to shoot and handle guns safely.
Its museum, the Web site says, “is home to the finest firearms collection in the world. Through 15 galleries spanning more than six centuries, this spectacular showcase offers the unique opportunity to view some of America’s most significant firearm treasures.”
Once visitors swing open the glass doors, they can wander past hundreds of guns in sealed display cases. Big signs above the cases read: “American Classics,” “Italian Masters” and “Handguns of Note.”
The museum traces the history of guns from America’s colonial days to the Persian Gulf War in the early 1990s. Some of the guns on display — semiautomatics and Sig Sauer pistols — are similar to those carried by Adam Lanza in the Connecticut shooting.
L'article au complet:
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