Caricature de Patrick Chappatte, The New York Times
dimanche 29 avril 2018
mardi 24 avril 2018
Rencontre Trump-Macron et gifs mémorables
Caricature le pape François et l'athéiste
Caricature de Joe Heller,
Pour ceux et celles qui n'auraient pas eu l'occasion de voit et entendre la rencontre entre François et un jeune garçon qui s'inquiétait du sort réservé à son papa athéiste:
lundi 23 avril 2018
dimanche 22 avril 2018
vendredi 20 avril 2018
Floyd Landis l'homme qui a fait tomber Lance Armstrong
"In this drama without heroes, Landis doesn’t think that the disgrace he and Armstrong have undergone has ultimately done much good for the sport. “Taking me down and taking Armstrong down did nothing,” he said. “It was an utter failure because the UCI and wada [the World Anti-Doping Agency] are still lying to kids and making them think that they can become top athletes clean. And they know that you can’t.” (The UCI said that the TUE system was strengthened in 2014 and is now “fully safeguarded.” wada said that it is becoming more and more difficult for athletes to cheat without getting caught, and that it is possible for athletes to succeed without doping.)"
Caricature un premier bébé au Sénat
Caricature de Nate Beeler, The Columbus Dispatch, OH
Divulgation des mémos de James Comey
"On the question of whether Comey actually leaked classified material, as Trump has repeatedly asserted without evidence, the memos suggest he did not. A group of House Republicans has also referred Comey to the Justice Department for prosecution on that basis, and Representative Matt Gaetz, a Floridian who is close to the president, declared victory, saying some of the memos contained classified information. Comey, meanwhile, has repeatedly insisted that the memos he provided to Dan Richman, the Columbia Law professor, were not classified. Richman did not provide the memos directly to reporters, but read them to them.
There are memos in the tranche that were classified, and some that were released Thursday with redactions. But as Jeremy Stahl details in Slate, the material that Richman shared with the press all comes from memos that were always unclassified. (Comey seems to have been highly conscious of the sensitivity, writing in one, “because this is an unclassified document, I will be limited in how I describe what I said next.”) Stahl theorizes that the assumption that Comey leaked Richman classified documents seems to rest entirely on a Fox News report that states that Richman received four memos. "
Portrait de la violence armée dans les écoles depuis Columbine
"The children impacted grew with each round of reporting: from 135,000 students in at least 164 primary and secondary schools to more than 187,000 on 193 campuses.
Since March, The Post has taken a closer look at states with fewer local news sources and searched more deeply for less visible public suicides and accidents that led to injury.
The count now stands at more than 206,000 children at 211 schools."
mercredi 18 avril 2018
Le Dr J. Marion Sims expérimentait sur des esclaves: sa statue déboulonnée à New York
"Sims was considered a pioneer in the field of gynecology. But there has been a reassessment of his career because of his exploitation of female slaves, who he operated on without anesthesia."
La présidence Forrest Gump
"The two men have another thing in common too. Forrest Gump, one day, decides to “go for a little run.” He runs from coast to coast, gradually amassing a crowd of followers. Reporters want to know what his motivation is — is he running for world peace? For women’s rights? For the environment? For animals? For nuclear arms?
“They just couldn’t believe,” he says, “that somebody would do all that running for no particular reason.”
Mr. Trump, after descending a golden escalator, went for a little run too — for president. Why was he running, reporters wanted to know? Did he really want to be the nation’s chief executive, or was it just a stunt?
“I wanted to do this for myself,” he said.
As with Gump, no one could believe that somebody would do all that running for no particular reason. Now he’s stuck in a job that, according to at least some sources, he never really wanted in the first place.
Goddamn, son. Life is like a box full of subpoenas. You never know when you’ll get one."®ion=opinion-c-col-left-region&WT.nav=opinion-c-col-left-region
Barbara Bush meurt à 92 ans
"There is a myth in the United States — you've heard it many times. It says that all American mothers hope that their child will grow up to be president of the United States," she would write later. "In my case that certainly is a myth. I never dreamed that any of ours would; there were days when I hoped that they'd just grow up!"
Zlatan Ibrahimovic enflamme le plateau de Jimmy Kimmel
Caricature Barbara Bush retrouve Abigail Adams
Caricature de David Fitzsimmons, The Arizona Star, Tucson, AZ
Barbara Bush et Abigail Adams sont les deux seules femmes de l'histoire américaine à avoir été épouse et mère de présidents.
mardi 17 avril 2018
San Francisco bien protégée en cas de séismes?
San Francisco est une de mes destinations préférées aux États-Unis. Maintes fois touchée par des secousses importantes, la ville a développé des exigences sévères pour la construction d'édifices publics comme les écoles ou les hôpitaux. Il en va cependant autrement pour les autres édifices et le New York Times s'interroge ici sur la sécurité des grattes-ciel.
"Right now the code says a structure must be engineered to have a 90 percent chance of avoiding total collapse. But many experts believe that is not enough.
“Ten percent of buildings will collapse,” said Lucy Jones, the former leader of natural hazards research at the United States Geological Survey who is leading a campaign to make building codes in California stronger. “I don’t understand why that’s acceptable.”
The code also does not specify that a building be fit for occupancy after an earthquake. Many buildings might not collapse completely, but they could be damaged beyond repair. The interior walls, the plumbing, elevators — all could be wrecked or damaged.
“When I tell people what the current building code gives them most people are shocked,” Dr. Jones said. “Enough buildings will be so badly damaged that people are going to find it too hard to live in L.A. or San Francisco.”
Beyoncé une militante douée: retour sur Coachella 2018
"The basic concept: Coachella became a pep rally for Beyoncé’s imagined black college or university, with scores of horn players and drummers summoning a ruckus from bleachers behind her. The yellow and black color palette was symbolically layered; it also happened to be visually fresh during a generally drab pop moment and following the sepias and greyscales of Lemonade. Embedded in this portrayal of an African American educational tradition were call-outs to other legendary institutions of black excellence—the Nubian kingdom (the bleachers formed a pyramid), and Southern hip-hop (snippets of classics showed up in surprising places). When Beyoncé noted she was the first black woman to headline Coachella, it emphasized the cultural inequalities that made the performance an underdog story’s, no matter how exalted Beyoncé may be."
Caricature Sean Hannity et George Stephanopoulos
Caricature de Rick McKee, The Augusta Chronicle, GA
Pourquoi Shinzo Abe a-t-il besoin de Donald Trump?
"One: Stop the Tariff Insanity. Japan’s government was just as shocked as corporate chieftains to see Abe’s pal refuse to give Tokyo an exemption on new levies. Equally shocking is Trump’s apparent U-turn on the Trans-Pacific Partnership. In January 2017, three days into his presidency, Trump reneged on Barack Obama’s China-containing, 12-nation trade deal.
It humiliated Abe, who 67 days earlier hustled to Trump Tower to head off Washington’s TPP exit. Twelve months later, Trump added salt to those wounds by adopting a weak dollar policy and slapping duties on steel and aluminum—25 percent and 10 percent, respectively. He doled out exemptions to Canada, Mexico and others, but none for best-friend Abe. Then came Trump’s proposed $150 billion worth of taxes on goods from China, Japan’s main export market.
Trump’s sudden TPP flirtation could either end in triumph for Abe or ignominy. Obama’s trade deal was a cornerstone of “Abenomics,” the prime minister’s three-phase plan to defeat deflation and take on China. It meant cajoling powerful vested interests—including agriculture and fisheries – to lower defenses and modernize. Abe spent vast sums of political capital getting his Liberal Democratic Party, which has held power almost continuously since 1955, on board."
L'ère Castro prend fin cette semaine
"The transition is complicated by a seesaw in U.S.-Cuba relations. The thaw under Obama has given way to a new frost under President Trump. After allegations of a mysterious attack that left nearly two dozen U.S. diplomats stationed in Cuba with brain injuries, Washington has left only a skeleton crew at its embassy in Havana.
The United States is now forcing Cubans looking for visas to apply in Guyana, nearly 2,000 miles away, putting the brakes on a host of personal trips and cultural exchanges.
The island’s nascent private sector, meanwhile, is under strain, because of actions by both the Cuban and U.S. governments. Cuban officials last year put a temporary halt on issuing new licenses for private businesses, arguing that time was needed to ensure that the island’s new crop of entrepreneurs were paying taxes and operating within the law. The freeze was seen as motivated by influential party officials still highly skeptical of change.
At the same time, Cuban officials say Trump administration policies have curtailed the flow of American tourists, who had begun to stream into the country in larger numbers under Obama."
lundi 16 avril 2018
Collaboration dans "Radio-Canada cet-après-midi": Michael Cohen, James Comey et la "Lettre d'une prison de Birmingham" de Martin Luther King
samedi 14 avril 2018
Donald Trump et la frappe inconstitutionnelle en Syrie
"The fact that Trump ordered a one-off missile strike a year ago doesn’t change that calculation. The fact that almost no one in Congress spoke up when he did doesn’t change that calculation. The fact that foreign policy commentators fawned on that decision doesn’t change that calculation. The Constitution still requires congressional authorization for an attack on another country. The requirement is not a formality. It is in the Constitution for a reason. Congress’s failure to assert its prerogatives is—even though it may have become a craven habit—a matter of life or death for a self-governing republic.
The reason, as I have written before, is that no president—not Barack Obama and not Donald Trump—has the authority under the Constitution to “declare war.” Of all the toxic constitutional developments of the Obama years, by far the most disheartening is this: Obama’s unlawful intervention in Libya garnered strong criticism; but the harshest criticism came when Obama chose to obey the Constitution by asking for congressional authorization to strike Syria. For breaking the mold of presidential unilateralism, he garnered—and continues to garner—the undisguised scorn not only of his political enemies but even of many of his friends. That hostile verdict on his presidential leadership is the clearest sign that we have entered what future historians may describe as a post-constitutional era."
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